
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Facebook Abuser!

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately….about how I abuse Facebook.

I have lots of Stay At Home Mom adventures and goals, that I am sure a lot of my unmarried guy friends from the college day love to hear about. That seems to be the bulk of my status updates. That and complaining about this winter. I am so over snow.

Lately, with winter just not letting go, I’ve been craving more and more personal growth, goal achieving, and well….socializing. Being locked up in a house with a toddler running amuck will do that to a person. I regularly visit several mom blogs and find it healing to see others going through similar situations. I didn’t want to add another SAHM blog to the universe, as there are so many. Believe me. I have visited hundreds to narrow down my favorite dozen. However, just reading and not voicing isn’t working any longer. I can’t think of anything unique to solve the problem. Oh well. I was never much of an innovator. Definitely a lemming.

I decided it was time to just dust off one of my old blogging accounts and get to creating. I plan on going over:
Recipes I find that are magical
Craft projects that turn out not like complete failures
Product and book reviews
SAHM stories of struggles and triumphs
Pregnancy woes and woohoos
Fitness tips (or more like pathetic attempts)

And when the new kiddo arrives, stories of, “how the heck am I going to juggle two?”

I hope to eventually not turn this into a boring personal journal, but something that will evolve. Something that can help at least one other SAHM out there. That would be nice.